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SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.*, CONCAT(p.ads, ' ', p.ads_add) as ads, CONCAT(p.ads_rent, ' ', p.ads_add_rent) as ads_rent, CONCAT(st.socr, '. ', st.name) as street_name, CASE WHEN us.phone != '' THEN us.phone ELSE us.phone END as user_phone, us.transfer_phone as user_transfer_phone, CASE WHEN mg.phone != '' THEN mg.phone ELSE mg.phone END as contact_phone, CONCAT('https://nasledie-don.ru/admin/images/users/', us.hash_file, '_p.', us.ext) as user_photo, CONCAT(us.surname, ' ', us.name, ' ', us.patronymic) as user_name FROM business as p LEFT JOIN attached_file AS at ON (at.idx = p.idx AND at.external = 1) LEFT JOIN streets AS st ON st.id = p.street_adv LEFT JOIN users AS us ON us.id = p.owner LEFT JOIN users AS mg ON mg.id = CASE WHEN us.transfer_phone = 0 THEN us.id ELSE us.manager_id END WHERE (p.owner = p.creator OR p.created != p.updated) AND p.status > 0 AND p.status != 2 AND at.idx > 0 AND p.coord_x_adv <> "" AND p.coord_y_adv <> "" AND (p.price > 0 OR p.price_rent > 0) AND CASE WHEN (p.cod = 61 AND p.reg = 0 AND p.cit = 1 AND p.loc = 0) THEN p.owner > 0 ELSE 1 = 1 END AND p.suspended_sale != 1 AND ((p.cod = 23 AND p.reg = 12 AND p.cit = 1 AND p.loc = 0 )) AND p.price > 0 GROUP BY p.idx ORDER BY p.updated DESC, p.price ASC LIMIT 0, 20
{{marker.feature.properties.price * 1000 | formatPrice:' '}} Р
{{marker.feature.properties.price_sqm * 1000 | formatPrice:' '}} Р/м2
До моря {{marker.feature.properties.tosea}} м.
в аренду
{{marker.feature.properties.price_rent * 1000 | formatPrice:' '}} Р/месяц
Загрузка базы объектов...
SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS p.*, CONCAT(p.ads, ' ', p.ads_add) as ads, CONCAT(p.ads_rent, ' ', p.ads_add_rent) as ads_rent, CONCAT(st.socr, '. ', st.name) as street_name, CASE WHEN us.phone != '' THEN us.phone ELSE us.phone END as user_phone, us.transfer_phone as user_transfer_phone, CASE WHEN mg.phone != '' THEN mg.phone ELSE mg.phone END as contact_phone, CONCAT('https://nasledie-don.ru/admin/images/users/', us.hash_file, '_p.', us.ext) as user_photo, CONCAT(us.surname, ' ', us.name, ' ', us.patronymic) as user_name FROM business as p LEFT JOIN attached_file AS at ON (at.idx = p.idx AND at.external = 1) LEFT JOIN streets AS st ON st.id = p.street_adv LEFT JOIN users AS us ON us.id = p.owner LEFT JOIN users AS mg ON mg.id = CASE WHEN us.transfer_phone = 0 THEN us.id ELSE us.manager_id END WHERE (p.owner = p.creator OR p.created != p.updated) AND p.status > 0 AND p.status != 2 AND at.idx > 0 AND p.coord_x_adv <> "" AND p.coord_y_adv <> "" AND (p.price > 0 OR p.price_rent > 0) AND CASE WHEN (p.cod = 61 AND p.reg = 0 AND p.cit = 1 AND p.loc = 0) THEN p.owner > 0 ELSE 1 = 1 END AND p.suspended_sale != 1 AND ((p.cod = 23 AND p.reg = 12 AND p.cit = 1 AND p.loc = 0 )) AND p.price > 0 GROUP BY p.idx ORDER BY p.updated DESC, p.price ASC LIMIT 0, 20
{{marker.feature.properties.price * 1000 | formatPrice:' '}} Р
за м2
{{marker.feature.properties.price_sqm * 1000 | formatPrice:' '}} Р/м2
в аренду
{{marker.feature.properties.price_rent * 1000 | formatPrice:' '}} Р/месяц
до моря
{{marker.feature.properties.tosea}} м.